Thursday, April 4, 2013

"Time Please" :)

"Time" is the most valuable of all things that you are blessed with. With "Time" anything can happen. Alas! I always realize its value really late. This realization pops up in the high time that too and fades of with time eventually. However, the realization this time is really pressing one. So many things, mountains of tasks, multitude...

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Child's Play

Being a child was so much fun. Life those days was ruled by one's one wishes. Tantrums and naughty acts filled the canvass of life those days with a multitude of emotions and joy. Now, when years have rolled over and one can no longer be called "child", memories of those days still flash now and again. With time and age, come up responsibilities,...

Thursday, October 4, 2012

True joy of commitment

I still remember my first day in VMS CDN, when I joined as a fresher, oblivious of corporate life and responsibilities. Yet I had a belief that I am on my way to acquainting knowledge and new friends. First steps It felt great to be out of the college cocoon and to work on a real project. I was excited about working on a really...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Nostalgic School Days!

Schooling seems the most difficult phase as a kid but as we grow up, we wake up to the realization that those were the most effortless days in one's life. One's schooling plays a detrimental role in molding their attitude. For most of you schooling would be the most carefree phase. I always cherish my schooling memories...

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Expressions are magical But never just surreal. You get what you see and reflect what you feel. Ever sheer with lucidity, yet at times shoddy. There is smoke, There is mirror. Its what you perceive and its what you give! ...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Iktara :)

It was yet another day at work, hectic yet satisfying day. Sauntering down idly while waiting for the very dedicated security guy to arrange for my cab, I decided to set some music into my ears. As soon as the lovely instrumental music of iktara from Wake up sid started off, I found myself nostalgic. “Orey manva tu to bavra hai Tu hi jaane...

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Black and White!

They are contrary but are considered a clan and often spotted not much without each other. Interestingly this metaphor applies to human nature too. Human nature is rather very bewildering when analyzed with pessimism. Look at it with optimistic glasses and you'll find them relatively frank and apprehensible. No one is perfect and yes I have...

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Its all a gimmick

Years down with memories infiniteWrapping bonds that no spider can weaveTime fades but moments engraveYou find yourself bonded beyond your sense.Happiness is now being with your bondsIts not what you made, but its where you grew,The folks who saw your naiveness as a childYour care as a kin and forfeits as a kith.But they vanish time out of...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Joy of achievement

No matter what you do,No matter how you do,If you succeed,There's no big deal,But when you do what you love,You feel true joySometimes in life,You can't do what you like,Still you can try to likewhat you do,But still you'll be gleeful,when you do what you really love.But not all are luckyto do what they love,Still there's joy,In hoping to...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Taj - The Coastal Queen

They came from the sea,Like Mermaids whom no one sees,They were all set to hurt the queen,The queen of all hotels,The serene Taj!They were just some guests,But were loaded with terror for the rest.Terror engulfed the heritage,De-voiding it of its tranquility,Arousing in it all fears.It was our coastal castle,A home away from home.At the sight...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Magic Of Positive Energy

Ever wondered how you would have been if your thoughts were different from what you possess? Just imagine how your life would have been if you had thoughts contrary to what you have. The answer for me is and I guess for most of us would be that our life not be the same. It would just be totally a turnaround. So we realize that our thoughts...

Friday, August 21, 2009

Delhi Turns Boggy With Lashing Rain

Indias capital Delhi drenched hard as it rained buckets this noon in Delhi. Waterlogged pits, Flooding roads, Cars turning into ships and uprooted trees were a common scene in Delhi today as Delhi witnessed a 2 Hour Marathon Rain. Traffic was pulled off, trees were uprooted, roads were flooded all owing to the lashing rains in Delhi. As it...

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