Monday, March 30, 2009

When Everything Goes Wrong....

In times of painWhen everything ends in vain,When all dreams seem washed in rain,Just count what will remainAnd believe there is lot to gain.When loneliness haunts you,When whole world seems hostile,Just close your eyes and believe,There will be someone,For whom you will be the world.If bitter words haunt you,And terrible scorns hurt you,Just...

Friday, March 27, 2009

Earth Hour - A dark hour for a brighter tomorrow.

Earth our eternal home is under threat. There have been several grievous issues clouding our Earth. It is believed that soon Earth wont be a suitable place for living creatures. Life on Earth is under grave threat. Following these issues there have been a whole lot of initiatives to curb the pollution and other dreadful factors that exploit...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Mallya brings home the memorabilia-A Disgrace or Pride?

Gandhiji is the most loved leader of India and is renowned for his ideals of non violence and simple living. However the incidents in the past few days have added a political tint to a few so-called Gandhian pluggers all over the world. The political melodrama was staged by knavish political parties to gain public attention and support by...

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