Friday, August 21, 2009

Delhi Turns Boggy With Lashing Rain

Indias capital Delhi drenched hard as it rained buckets this noon in Delhi. Waterlogged pits, Flooding roads, Cars turning into ships and uprooted trees were a common scene in Delhi today as Delhi witnessed a 2 Hour Marathon Rain. Traffic was pulled off, trees were uprooted, roads were flooded all owing to the lashing rains in Delhi. As it...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

27 Dresses - A Dainty Wedding Fantasy

Weddings have a charm of their own. Neverthless English weddings have a mesmerizing trait that no one can resist. I have always been fond of movies that are centered around weddings, because I love seeing the white, the pink and all the shades of purple and violet that dominate the color wheel of these wedding oriented movies. The whole...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Eyes That Care

A kind look makes the heart melt,A sweet word makes the care felt,But its the true love and seamless care,That wins over hearts everywhere.Look at people for what they feel,But not for what they look,Because what you see is never what you feel,It is just like diamonds and carbons indeed.Feel the eyes and feel the care,As everyone seems to...

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