Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Lost Temples Of Angor Wat

Ancient Architecture has a certain charisma, that attracts us all despite the existence of numerous awesome modern architecture. To pen down, we have the innumerable fondness for Egypt and Taj Mahal. One such ancient architecture that stays in the good books of Architecture and casts a spell on the visitors is the Ancient Angor Wat Temple.Angor...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ignorance is bliss

Who doesn't want to be happy? To say, everyone wants to be happy, but there are only few who are actually happy in their lives. So what is it that gives few people true happiness while most of them live with just superficial joy? Is it their capability to achieve all that they desire? Or do they possess heavenly luck that gives them joy...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Mystery Of Bermuda Triangle

We live in a vivid world, filled with variety. Mystery and History are part of the world. Some times mystery morphs into history and vice versa. Mystery's have a rare specialty of their own. Mysteries tend to attract attention and one such bemusing mystery is the "Mystery Of Bermuda Triangle".The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Rainy joy!

I have always loved rains. The sight of rain gives me a simple and sweet feel, taking me to a whole new world. Rain seems to be a mesmerizing aspect of nature that enthralls everyone.Moist gushy winds, pattering rain drops, the sweet essence of wet sand and the sight of plants quenching their thirst gives us an eternal bliss, taking us to...

Its a whole new day.

On a sunny morning,I opened my eyes,To see the word filled with life.All shadows of past glided away,And glow of future mentored the way.There were days when skies were dark,There were days when joy seemed afar.But the secret of life,Has given a whole new life,The one life to be loved unfathomed.Everyday is now a clear sky,With no stains...

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Happiness is just like a flower,Spreading its influence all over.Happiness is when dreams turn true,Letting one dream anew.Happiness is your loved one's smile,That gives you the sweetest smile.Happiness is being novice,Accepting all imperfections and being nice.Happiness is the charm in your eyes,That lets you see your dreams coming true.Happiness...

Contemplations Of My Notions Copyright © 2009 Flower Garden is Designed by Ipietoon for Tadpole's Notez Flower Image by Dapino