Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Rainy joy!

I have always loved rains. The sight of rain gives me a simple and sweet feel, taking me to a whole new world. Rain seems to be a mesmerizing aspect of nature that enthralls everyone.

Moist gushy winds, pattering rain drops, the sweet essence of wet sand and the sight of plants quenching their thirst gives us an eternal bliss, taking us to cloud nine. With dark clouds and a light green tint, a rainy evening is more that just a picturesque moment.

There is great joy in enjoying the nature on a rainy day. A look through your window on the green, wet plants makes you feel most refreshed. The best thing to do on a rainy day is to get lost in thought.. :)...thinking and dreaming of all the pleasant things in your life, and rejoicing the cherished moments of your life.
Thereby on a rainy day, one can feel distressed and relieved from the chaos of the world and escape to a world of peace and relaxation. Thanks to today's rain, which has given me a pleasant feel and releived me of all stress and disgust! :)...As I am composing this post, I could listen to the pattering rain drops and feel the cold refreshing rainy wind. All these plaeasnt feelings given by rain is nothing but the joy of nature, the "Rain Joy"!



Contemplations Of My Notions Copyright © 2009 Flower Garden is Designed by Ipietoon for Tadpole's Notez Flower Image by Dapino