The story is a pure fantasy and all rosy with seemless scope for imagination. The story revolves around magic land and wizardry schools. Sounds similar? Having a dejavu? Do you feel you have read a similar story? Dont worry, its how I too felt. This feeling among the readers is costing hard for the Fictional Wizard "J.K.Rowling".
Recently Allegations have popped up that author J.K. Rowling copied "substantial parts" of a book by another children's author when she wrote "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire." The Book referenced to as other book is "Willy The Wizrard". These allegations included that the plot of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire copied elements of the plot of Willy the Wizard, including a wizard contest, and that the Potter series borrowed the idea of wizards traveling on trains.

However, the reading population has had a very great time reading both these stories. Still the pathetic part is that while J.KRowling's series is fetching millions, Author Adrian Jacobs whose stories had a striking resemblance to the current day Harry Porter series died "penniless" in a London hospice in 1997. Still the allegations are under scrutinization. Lets hope that the allegatations prove to be false so that our love for Harry Porter will stay untouched forever.
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