But still Expectation is one of the most pain arousing actions too. Ever wondered why? Its simple, every sorrow and pain is the simple consequence of an unfulfilled expectation. Every heart knows that Expectations are prone to bring out sorrow, still each heart loves to expect. All this is because there is great joy in expectation. The joy of expectation always outshines the fear of unfulfilled wishes and that induces the sweet little heart to expect further.
In the initial stages of life, expectations will be more predominant. But gradually through our experiences with expectations, we realize the complexity of expectation. Then tardily we learn to supress our expectations. Still expectations never get washed off. Our heart still loves to expect, but the intensity and frequeny of expectation comes down. This is the common phenomena of human expectations and thats how our joy and pain are intermngled.
I wonder, how life would have been if we had no expectations. Sometimes when I stand staring at my unfulfilled expectations, I just feel why do I expect. Ironically, this feel never comes up when my heart bubbles up with groovy expectations :). Can't we live without expecting? Can't our life be void of wishes?.....I think the answer is no. Testifying my thought is the fact that ever single day we live is the outcome of our expectation. The simple and sweet expectation to see tomorrow. The subtle wish that one's wishes may take shape some day, it is this simple expectation that powers
In my opinion, the worst form of expectation is expecting care and concern from other fellow humans. Most of the times such expectations go shattered deep into the ground. At the same time we may also be the cause of hurting someone Else's expectation of love and care. While other material expectations, though unfulfilled don't leave a scar in ones heart, emotional expectations leave an enduring influence on the heart . So my simple notion of happy expectations is to expect feasible materialistic achievements but not emotional achievements. If at all we want to be cared by some fellow humans then why not show our umpteen care for them? Why not give all our expected care to the person from whom we wish to be cared? This way we can feel the joy of having cared and expressed concern. As we all know, there is great joy in giving, similarly, there is wonderful joy in fulfilling our expectation on some one else. It creates a habit of sacrifice and benevolence that arouse true joy.
This life is perked up by expectations, but its the feasible expectation that adds pep to the life. The happiness of life is just like a flower which can be watered by expression of care and love for others. Sacrifice and benevolence are the two staple ingredients for a happy expectation and a happy life. So, Live and let live!
You are a fabulous word expressionist. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this article.
I was looking for some statistics on the relationship unfulfilled expectations have on hurt feelings for a book I am writing. I found your article not only insightful, but well written. If you are not an author, you should be.
Hii Kathryn,
Thanks a lot for visiting my blog. Its great to know that you found my post well written! Your words are really motivating :). All the best for your book!
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