Emotions are the simplest, sweetest yet speechless expressions of our mind. Emotion decides what you are and how you are. If you are too emotional then bliss! I am one of you too. Emotion is like a cloud of thoughts that cast their spell on us and dictate our actions every now and then. Having written so much on social and personal issues I decided why not write about something that resides within us, spreads with us and moves with us - yes of course, its our emotion.
Smile, Tear, Anger, Anixety, Surprise are all parts of our sweet life. These teeny-weeny feelings add a splash of drama to our life. Had there been no emotions, we would stay just as "zombies" - sans feeling, sans trust, sans sorrow and sans joy! Life without emotions is just a plain colorless canvass. Its the splash of emotions that bug out into our life that makes our life colorful.
Sometimes we are sad, sometimes happy, sometimes depressed and most times in a wild state. But have you ever tried walking down memory lane and trying to have a recap of your emotional joourney? All anger, all sorrow, all pain and all depression you had experienced would have in some or other way taught you a new lesson and that realisation would draw a sweet smile on our face when you visit your emotional journey. So never hold on to the minuscule sorrows and failures oof your life, but enjoy the experience of life. Get through all possible emotions destined for a human being and live life to the core.
The different activiteies that we perform are all the reflections of my emotions. I have seen m friends and family ask me what went wrong when I appear to be lull or agitated. Its because our actions are different, your loved ones know that your emotion is not in the normal happy state. You dance, you sing, ou jump, all when you are happy. You brood, stare, bite your nails (he he) all when you are glum. So emotions are like the keys of a key activetated doll. These keys of emotion decide how we dnace and how we brood.
Getting emotional is too good at times. Because it brings out the true person inside you. These days people seem to have moulded themselves inside some shield of perfection and indifference. Everyone tries to put up a professional attitude and pretend to be indifferent to the simple joys and feelings. But they forget the fact that enjoying all the emotions and drenching in all drops of tears and joy is the true achievement. Be happy-go-lucky, laugh, smile, enjoy, cry and even get angry (sometimes, not always!!!!). Experience all possible emotions and respect the emotions of our family and friends. Understand that people are never bad, people are never hurting, its just the emotion that makes them do that. Sometimes you may become a victim of your emotion and end up hurting someone too. So learn to understand the emotions of humans and respect emotions. Shade your life with all emotions so that ou can have some very interesting moments when you walk down your emotional memory lane.
Vincent Van Gogh has quoted out rightly,
"Let's not forget that the little emotions are the great captains of our lives and we obey them without realizing it. "