Thursday, July 9, 2009

Shooting Stars - Stars Of Wishes

Astronomy and Astrology are both alluring. While facts related to Astronomy can be seen, the facts related to Astronomy can only be felt. Stars and Sky are the basic elements of Astronomy. And now coming to stars, who doesn't love stars? Stars are the simplest wonders of nature. Those gleaming glittering dots high in the sky that ornate the subtle, dulcet night sky. Talking about stars, I would like to draw all your attention to shooting stars. It is said that one can wish the hearts desire on seeing a shooting star and that the wish will be fulfilled without fail. Alas! I am crazy about shooting stars but have never seen any shooting stars! :(..It seems I need to make a wish to see a shooting star! :)

So what is this shooting star? Is one of those twinkling stars falling out of the sky? No! A shooting star or falling star is the common name for the visible path of a meteoroid as it enters the atmosphere. A shooting star is also broken pieces of meteors that have become broken off in space. So shooting star has nothing to with stars. It is just a meteor!
A "falling star" or a "shooting star" has nothing at all to do with a star! These amazing streaks of light you can sometimes see in the night sky are caused by tiny bits of dust and rock called meteoroids falling into the Earth's atmosphere and burning up. The short-lived trail of light the burning meteoroid produces is called a meteor. Meteors are commonly called falling stars or shooting stars. If any part of the meteoroid survives burning up and actually hits the Earth, that remaining bit is then called a meteorite.

At certain times of year, you are likely to see a great number of meteors in the night sky. These events are called meteor showers and they occur when the Earth passes through the trail of debris left by a comet as it orbits the Sun. These showers are given names based on the constellation present in the sky from which they appear to originate. For example, the Leonid Meteor Shower, or Leonids, appear to originate in the constellation Leo. It is important to understand that the meteoroids (and therefore the meteors) do not really originate from the constellations or any of the stars in the constellations, however. They just seem to come from that part of the sky because of the way the Earth encounters the particles moving in the path of the comet's orbit. Associating the shower name with the region of the sky they seem to come from just helps astronomers know where to look!

Still, the next time you see a shooting star, don't forget to make a wish! That way we can test if its just a myth or a fact. Anyhow, wishes surely come true, when we believe in our wishes.


re on July 17, 2009 at 9:58 PM said...

wish to see a upcoming star in you


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