Thursday, November 26, 2009

Taj - The Coastal Queen

They came from the sea,Like Mermaids whom no one sees,They were all set to hurt the queen,The queen of all hotels,The serene Taj!They were just some guests,But were loaded with terror for the rest.Terror engulfed the heritage,De-voiding it of its tranquility,Arousing in it all fears.It was our coastal castle,A home away from home.At the sight...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Magic Of Positive Energy

Ever wondered how you would have been if your thoughts were different from what you possess? Just imagine how your life would have been if you had thoughts contrary to what you have. The answer for me is and I guess for most of us would be that our life not be the same. It would just be totally a turnaround. So we realize that our thoughts...

Friday, August 21, 2009

Delhi Turns Boggy With Lashing Rain

Indias capital Delhi drenched hard as it rained buckets this noon in Delhi. Waterlogged pits, Flooding roads, Cars turning into ships and uprooted trees were a common scene in Delhi today as Delhi witnessed a 2 Hour Marathon Rain. Traffic was pulled off, trees were uprooted, roads were flooded all owing to the lashing rains in Delhi. As it...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

27 Dresses - A Dainty Wedding Fantasy

Weddings have a charm of their own. Neverthless English weddings have a mesmerizing trait that no one can resist. I have always been fond of movies that are centered around weddings, because I love seeing the white, the pink and all the shades of purple and violet that dominate the color wheel of these wedding oriented movies. The whole...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Eyes That Care

A kind look makes the heart melt,A sweet word makes the care felt,But its the true love and seamless care,That wins over hearts everywhere.Look at people for what they feel,But not for what they look,Because what you see is never what you feel,It is just like diamonds and carbons indeed.Feel the eyes and feel the care,As everyone seems to...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Scintillating Emotions

Emotions are the simplest, sweetest yet speechless expressions of our mind. Emotion decides what you are and how you are. If you are too emotional then bliss! I am one of you too. Emotion is like a cloud of thoughts that cast their spell on us and dictate our actions every now and then. Having written so much on social and personal issues...

Friday, July 17, 2009

One Life To Love

I have always wondered what this Life is all about. Why do we live? What is the purpose of this life? and What are we meant to achieve in this Life? Success, Assest, Money and Family make up the priorities of ones life. In this wild-goose chase of achievements and assests, love and fun which form the essence of life are left far behind. The...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Magical Threads Of Trust

Trust, is the one magical word that gives true shape to our life. Trust is the most valuable gift that we can offer to our loved ones. Have you trusted anyone blindly? Do you believe in blind faith? If no, then you have missed the essence of life. The sheer joy of Life is in blindly trusting our dear ones. "Trust" is that simple element that...

Incommodiousnesses of Expectation

Expectation is the simplest of human emotions. Expectation is just the simple desire to achieve ones wishes. Expectation reflects in every teen-weeny action and Expectation is the sole thread that holds up our lives.But still Expectation is one of the most pain arousing actions too. Ever wondered why? Its simple, every sorrow and pain is...

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Bubble Life

At times I feel,My Joy is so real,The very next instant I feel,The joy was just ephemeral.At times I feel,The world is so pally,But very soon I feel,It bubbles with hostility.At times I feel,Life is so flowery,But soon I realize,It has a flowery life.At times I feel,All the feeling is so real,But soon i feel,Everything is surreal,Everything...

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Zubbles: The Colorful, Zippy Bubbles

Who doesn't love bubbles? Those simple balls that bring up a subtle smile, no matter what. Bubbles are the simplest form of decoration, that create a sense of joy. It is because of the joy arousing capabity of bubbles that kids love playing with bubbles. Bubbles with their transparent texture give a whole new perspective to the world. The...

Friday, July 10, 2009

Secret Of Nazca Sand Drawings

Mystery has a limit, but this mystery of the secret sand drawings at Nazca desert is spell bounding. The Nazca Lines are a series of geoglyphs located in the Nazca Desert, a high arid plateau that stretches more than 80 kilometres (50 mi) between the towns of Nazca and Palpa on the Pampas de Jumana in Peru. Although some local geoglyphs resemble...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Shooting Stars - Stars Of Wishes

Astronomy and Astrology are both alluring. While facts related to Astronomy can be seen, the facts related to Astronomy can only be felt. Stars and Sky are the basic elements of Astronomy. And now coming to stars, who doesn't love stars? Stars are the simplest wonders of nature. Those gleaming glittering dots high in the sky that ornate the...

Happy Birthdayyy Tooo Meeeee :)

I am late....Oh no! I am late again! Why am I late for all important tasks. I am late to publish a blog post on my Birthday too. Anyways, finally I am publishing a blog post on my Birthday he he :). It was my Birthday yesterday and to say I was on cloud nine... :)...When I was wished by my family and my dearest friends exactly at 12, my happiness...

Can You See My World?

I haven't seen the glittering gold,But I have felt a heart of gold.I cannot see the colors,Still I can understand the meaning of colors.But can you see my world?My world hasn't seen money,Yet its filled with thoughts of honey.My world cant see beautiful faces,But I can do feel a beautiful Heart.So can you see my world?I have never seen things,But...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Adios Michael Jackson - The Pop Connoisseur

The pop connoisseur Michael Jackson's life was pulled to a tragic end on June 27, 2009. The world stood still when the king of pop Michael Jackson succumbed to a Cardiac Arrest. The death of Michael Jackson has left an air of mystery. The pop kings death came as a bolt from the blue to the rock-ribbed fans of Michael Jackson who were all...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Phoenix - The Mythical Inspiration

The word Phoenix is my favourite word in English. This is all because of the one poem on Phoenix that I had read in my Childhood. The poem had such a deep influence that I started relating it to most of the events in my life. The word Phoenix refers to a Mythological bird. It is said that the eternal Lnd of mystery, Egypt is the source...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Willy The Wizrard - Willy or Harry?

Willy The Wizrard is a children's fantasy book penned down by Adrian Jacobs. This book had been a hot favorite among young readers in 1987, which was when the book was first launched. This book is about a kid who ventures into magic and wizardry and ends up as a master wizard.The story is a pure fantasy and all rosy with seemless scope for...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Father's Day 2009

Heyya are you all preparing to surprise your father on Father's Day this year? Then I am one of you too :). Father's Day is a day honoring fathers, celebrated on the third Sunday of June in the United States and on various other days in many places around the world. It complements Mother's Day, the celebration honoring mothers.Father's Day...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Deja vu

Have you ever felt that the things that are happening around you have happened before? Have you felt that the situation you are in now has been faced by you before? Then it means that you have experienced Deja vu. Recently when I was watching Barack Obama's mesmerizing speech at Cairo, I experienced Deja vu. It was then that I decided to...

WInd Chimes - Winds Of Melody

Have you ever heard those melodious rumblings from Wind Chimes ? If not then I'll let you know how it feels. The Wind Chimes generate the softest and the sweetest music in the simplest manner, just by rumbling in through soft and heavy winds. The sound of Wind Chimes brings up a special joy and pep into me. Wind chimes are universally thought...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Pink Sweet Strawberry Festival

I have heard about many festivals, but it was today that I read about the "Strawberry Festival". The name itself brought up a riot of imaginations in my mind and I was hungry to know more about this sweet named festival that brought up all pink sweet thoughts.The Strawberry festival is an annual event conducted by the members of the Christ...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Adieu Rajeev Motwani - The Page Rank Man

Rajeev Motwani, a man of spirits and inventions, is a milestone in the history of computers and Internet. The Silicon Valley is still trying to come to grips with the loss of the "Silicon Valley Giant" Rajeev Motwani. By profession Rajeev Motwani was a professor at the Stanford University. Rajeev Motwani's research focused on theoretical...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Tetris Anniversary

Lets all wish the evergreen game tetris, a very happy birthday! Today, June 6, 2009 is the 25th anniversary of the simple yet entertaining game Tetris. The word "Tetris" has its roots in the Greek numerical prefix "tetra" which means "four". Tetris is a puzzle video game originally designed and programmed by Alexey Pajitnov. It was created...

Friday, June 5, 2009

Obama's Hieroglyphic Tale

Barack Obama, the 44th and the current President of the United States is all set to create new milestones in the history of America. America has always been held up as an enemy of Muslim countries. There has long been an air of hostility between USA and Muslim nations all over the world. But Barack Obama's recent visit to Egypt has tumbled...

Monday, June 1, 2009

Mystic Prophecies Of Nostradamus

I was in school, when I first heard about Nostradamus. Since then I have had a wild interest in Nostradamus and his mystical predictions. I heard about Nostradamus at an age when a child sees mystery in everything and has a mind that is hungry for resolving mysteries. Having been allured by Nostradamus's predictions, I had developed great...

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